VarSome Clinical Group Supervisor

What is a Group Supervisor and what can they do?

Group supervisors in VarSome Clinical

VarSome Clinical now gives the ability to launch your analyses using workflows. This has introduced a new role in group accounts - the group supervisor. 

A group supervisor is the user in your group responsible for defining clinical workflows; a new way of managing samples and launch analyses where users can use fixed analytical options.

What actions can a group supervisor take?

  • Workflows: create workflows with fixed parameters that can be used by the group supervisor himself or other team members to launch analyses with pre-defined parameters.
  • Allow other users from the same group to also create workflows.
  • Launch an analysis without a workflow: the group supervisor can limit this option so that users can only launch analyses defined by him or her.
  • Assay preferences: select an assay from a list of assays to be displayed first when someone selects an assay to start an analysis.
  • Storage preferences: modify the storage preferences of the group and decide how long to store FASTQ or BAM files for example. Find more information here.
  • Analysis preferences: enable the sensitive mode for CNV calling and decide whether to run VarSome Picks automatically.
  • Other preferences: create/modify filter sets and gene lists and share them within the group.
  • Allow other users from the same group to delete samples.
  • Audit trail access: this keeps a record of different actions performed by the users of your group. Find more details here.

How do I know if my group has a group supervisor?

The group supervisor has access to the Audit Trail, if you are a group supervisor, you will see the Audit Trail option available a the top right corner of your VarSome Clinical view

If you do not have a group supervisor yet or would like to change the group supervisor role to a different user, please contact our support team to change this.