VarSome Clinical Group Supervisor

What is a Group Supervisor and what can they do?

Group supervisors in VarSome Clinical

VarSome Clinical now gives the ability to launch your analyses using workflows. This has introduced a new role in group accounts - the group supervisor. 

A group supervisor is the user in your group responsible for defining clinical workflows; a new way of managing samples and launch analyses where users can use fixed analytical options.

What actions can a group supervisor take?

  • Assay preferences: select an assay of a list of assays so that those are shown in the first place when someone is selecting an assay for launching an analysis.
  • Storage preferences: as a group supervisor, you can modify the storage preferences of your group and decide how much time you would like to keep FASTQ or BAM files for example. Find more information here
  • Analysis preferences: you can enable the sensitive mode for CNV calling and decide if VarSome Picks should run automatically.
  • Workflows: you can manage workflows to define parameters for your group's analyses
  • Launch analysis without a workflow: the supervisor can limit this option so that users can only launch analyses defined by him or her
  • Audit trail access: this keeps a record of different actions performed by the users of your group. Find more details here.

How do I know if my group has a group supervisor?

The group supervisor has access to the Audit Trail, if you are a group supervisor, you will see the Audit Trail option available a the top right corner of your VarSome Clinical view

If you do not have a group supervisor yet or would like to change the group supervisor role to a different user, please contact our support team to change this.