Report Generation

When it comes to reporting, in addition to the options provided by the “Analysis Actions”, VarSome Clinical offers users the option to generate a report of specific variants in PDF or Word format.

Variant reporting works on a sample level, i.e. you can report multiple variants belonging to the same sample, but you can't report one variant of the sample A and another of the sample B within the same report.

In the Variant Table page, you can either select one variant at a time just by clicking on it or you can select multiple variants at once (mass selection) by holding Ctrl and clicking on each variant you wish to include to your list and then click on the “Select for export” option. On the left, click on the “Report generation” to see the list of the variants selected for export, and then either choose or .


Selecting    will export the variants in an .xlsx file as shown below:

Selecting direct you to the following screen:


The information of the selected variants will be automatically visible on the Primary finding section. 

The form we provide as a template for creating your report is fully customizable, with all section tables editable to suit the user's needs. The final report layout you choose to generate will be saved for future use.

The report template consists of table sections, where all fields can be changed, along with the text and background colors and even the logo can be replaced with your organization’s logo.

In each section table, there is the option of changing the background color of a cell by right-clicking on it and then going to Cell >> Cell properties as shown below:

In the Cell properties menu, you can choose to change the background color, among other available styling options:

What is more, by clicking on the image41 icon, a Report widgets menu will be shown, with the following options:

  • Analysis information: General information including sample name, allelic balance, predicted gender, phenotypes, and diseases.
  • Content area: Field to write content-related information of the analysis.
  • All variants' information: Table with all selected variant's information.
  • Variant information: Mutation identification, followed by its classification and a short description of the variant. More information is included containing HGVS notation, related gene, exon, variant type, rs ID, zygosity, frequency, and coverage.
  • Variant references: List of scientific papers referring to a specific variant.
  • Gene information:  Disease-related information from CGD, about the gene containing a specific variant.
  • Related drugs (if applicable): Information regarding the drug-gene interactions from DGIdb, and other data resources.
  • PMKB info (if applicable): Information about the gene containing a specific variant, retrieved from PMKB database.
  • CIVIC info (if applicable): Information about mutations shown to predict response to targeted therapy from CIViC database.
  • GHR info (if applicable): gene information from GHR.
  • Clinical Trials info (if applicable): Information about related clinical studies from AACT database. 

You can "drag and drop" one by one all the information you wish to include in the report.  
