Launch an analysis (without workflows)

How to run an analysis without applying any workflows

To upload your file or files, you can click on Upload/view files on the top of your screen, and then click on .

You can also connect your Illumina BaseSpace account.

To create your samples you need to navigate through:

Launch > 2. Define new samples

You can then define which files are associated with which sample name and you can optionally attach additional information to the sample (e.g phenotypes).

Note: FASTQ files are grouped according to the Illumina or MGI naming convention and are given a suggested sample name. The suggested name and associated files can be modified in the following screen. For VCF files - each VCF is associated with a suggested sample name.

Launch > 2. Define new samples > Next: for adding more information to the sample, notes, phenotype, etc.

To launch an analysis, navigate to Launch > 3. Launch analyses.

You have the option to launch an analysis without the use of a workflow by clicking here:

Launch > 3. Launch analyses > Launch analysis without a workflow

  • All users in the group can use this option
  • Users have to define all analysis parameters

Define the main analysis parameters

(Optional) define filters and sub analyses to reduce manual steps

Screenshot 2023-11-27 at 09.03.28

    Single sample analysis                                  Multi sample analysis