Registration / Join VarSome

Creation and deletion of an account, login, logout

Registration / Join VarSome

In order to be able to have access to VarSome Clinical either with a subscription or a trial you have to register to first.

On the top right click on Join and a new window will be displayed where you can provide your contact details, email address, first name and last name.

An email will be sent confirming the registration. Now you can request your VarSome trial/ subscription to our business team.

Please use the professional email address of each individual user. Generic email accounts (e.g. are not accepted. Additionally, if you forget your password, you can reset it by clicking the “Forgot password?” option as illustrated in the picture below.


Once the trial/ subscription activation is confirmed by a member of the user team, the user can log in to VarSome Clinical. The VarSome Clinical account can be activated either on the CH, EU, US or UAE server.

The following sign-in information will be displayed after opening VarSome Clinical.

By clicking on Sign in using VarSome SSO you will be redirected to our SSO (Single sign-on) page and you can now provide your user name (email address) and password which you used to register to

The next step is to set up the two-factor authentication by providing a mobile phone number. 


The user can log out by selecting his username on the top right corner of the page, and select “Log out”.

For security reasons, the user will be automatically logged out after 30 minutes of inactivity.

Delete account

You can permanently delete your account by accessing the Account Details through the following link This link can also be found by clicking on your Profile on VarSome Clinical.

To initiate the closure of your account, click the "Close Account" button, as shown in the picture below.

Alternatively, if you do not wish to permanently delete your account, you can change your email address by editing your account details.

⚠️ Please note that in this case you have to inform the support team ( about the new email address so they can properly set up your account with the new faculty.