Sample cross-referencing

VarSome Clinical comes with powerful sample cross-referencing, which links all your samples together on the variant level. It can be found in each sample's     tab and it reports two things:

1. Shows the number of samples across all VarSome Clinical users where this specific variant has been identified.

2. Highlights other samples within your account or group that also contain this variant.

This information is updated daily. The number of homozygotes and heterozygotes in VarSome Clinical for the variants are shown, but only sample IDs of samples analyzed by you and your group are reported. 



Did you know?

Sample cross-referencing enables you to compare your past and current cases, compare patient's phenotypes and ultimately increase the diagnostic yield.

Moreover,  VarSome Clinical allows you to share your data with other institutions if both parties consent in writing.


Variants with a gnomAD frequency greater than 5% are not considered for sample cross-referencing. This was done in order to reduce the loading time of the results.
