11. How can I cancel my subscription? What will be the final charges?

Unless specified differently in your contractual agreement, you can stop using VarSome
services at any time and for any reason, by sending notice in writing to billing@saphetor.com
and to your sales contact at Saphetor.

Please specify the reason for cancellation and the desired termination date. The minimum monthly fee, or the monthly subscription, will still be due for the calendar month if you are in the middle of a billing cycle. Invoices are sent out on the 1st of the month. For example, if you want to cancel your subscription at the end of June:
  • If you send your cancellation on June 30, we will not charge any fees for July
  • If you send your cancellation on June 1, we will not charge regular fees for June
  • If you send your cancellation on June 2, we will charge regular fees for June

At the beginning of the month following the termination date, Saphetor will provide you with a
final invoice for any fees due up to the effective date of termination, including the actual
consumption until the termination date, and any late payment fees related to previous invoices
that were not paid on time. Please make sure to pay this final invoice in due time.

For VarSome Clinical, all the samples you have uploaded on our VarSome platform will be